While laundry may not be your favorite household chore, acquiring a well-organized and engineered laundry room may turn washday into a nice experience. Your budget and the available space restrict your remodel possibilities. Before proceeding, make a laundry room want list, to ascertain what features fit into the area and your budget.
If your budget includes purchasing a brand new washer and dryer, consider a stackable washer and dryer, for ridding the usable area. A stackable unit will not be acceptable for every design or lifestyle, nevertheless it may be an ideal alternative for your design. For those with limited space, a combination washer and dryer is an alternative. This sort of appliance includes the washer and dryer in one appliance, so takes up approximately half the distance.
Wash Sink
If the laundry room does not have a clean sink, add one during the remodel. Laundry or utility sinks come in a range of styles and price ranges, and will require pipes. Position the sink near a counter or select a sink with an integrated counter, which makes it more convenient once you use the sink.
Before you can begin doing your own laundry, clothes require sorting. Design a sorting place, instead of doing this job in the center of your laundry room flooring. The sorting place might be comprised of a number of laundry bins, arranged horizontally or vertically from the laundry room. If each bin represents a laundry load, then your job simplifies.
Start looking for the ideal place in the laundry room to put in a hanging rod. It needs to be located convenient to the dryer, enabling you to easily remove clothes from the dryer and also slide on hangers, before placing on the rod. In case you’ve got a side-by-side washer and dryer, consider positioning the rod over the appliances, under an abysmal cupboard or shelf. Rather than a closet rod, explore retractable clotheslines for laundry rooms, or other hanging novelty gadgets, made to hold dry or wet laundry.
Rather than plopping your finished laundry in the center of a bed for folding, design a folding region from the laundry room. This will allow members of their household to pick up the folded laundry to put away, instead of leaving it to wrinkle and re-soil on the bed or floor. This folding place could double as a hobby area.
Ironing Board
In case you have room on a wall, consider installing a built in ironing board cabinet. Rather than dragging out and establishing an ironing board, simply drop open the cabinet to release the ironing board. When not being used, it tucks neatly out of sight.
Do not overlook storage area. Including storage of things used infrequently and things used on a regular basis, such as laundry detergent and bleach. Based on your area and appliance styles, your best storage choice might be overhead horizontal cabinets and shelves, or vertical cabinets. Tuck storage beneath countertops or from fresh nooks and corners of the laundry room.
Bring adequate lighting into the room, by opening up a window or incorporating adequate artificial lighting. Pick bright and cheerful colors, or shades which make you feel positive and motivated. Based on your home’s decor, accent the room with laundry-themed pieces, such as an antique washboard on a wall or framed photos or prints of funny or classic washday images. If you can not find anything interesting about washday, hanging a sign that says”I would rather be…” could say all of it.