Getting a stump to rot isn’t a speedy procedure. The stump still draws nutrients in the roots, and several sprout off suckers at the base in an effort to keep the tree alive. Stump-grinding companies can rid your lawn of the eyesores a day, but other home remedies assist naturally speed up the rotting process …
The flower colors of a shrub in the Hibiscus genus depend on the species and variety. More than 200 species of hibiscus come in a variety of colours, including pink, orange and yellow. Some of the most common are Rose-of-Sharon (H. syriacus), red leaf hibiscus (H. acetosella) and confederate roses (H. mutabilis), as well as …
Flowers are used as symbols of emotions since ancient times. Nearly everyone recognizes a red rose as the symbol of true love and a white rose as a symbol of purity, but additional types of symbolism may be harder to recognize, partly since the symbolism of a blossom depends in part on the time and …
The American elm tree (Ulmus americana) is a large stately tree that complements the landscape. Also called white elm, water elm and delicate elm, this shrub is found throughout the country, particularly the eastern U.S, but it thrives in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 through 9. Elm tree inhabitants sharply declined in …
Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, citrus trees grow from grafted seedlings and generally produce edible fruit following four years. Standard-size trees, such as the navel orange, grow up to 30 feet tall and 30 feet wide. Dwarf varieties, such as “Improved Meyer” lemon, grow 5 to 15 feet …
Celery is known for its crispness that adds flavor and crunch to salads and snacks, but it requires careful cultivation to develop to perfection. A cool-season crop, celery requires 16 weeks of cool weather to generate the leafstalks, which are the edible part of the plant. The plant needs moist, fertile soil and suitable spacing …
Believe sunflowers and you probably conjure up images of taller-than-life plants using larger-than-life yellow flowers that reach toward the sun. Perennial sunflowers, like Maximilian (Helianthus maximilianus), grow from underground root constructions called rhizomes and typically, they don’t grow quite as tall and big as their annual pals. Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness …
Saucer magnolias (Magnolia x soulangeana), called exceptionally productive bloomers and moderate growers, have flowers resembling a goblet with petals that open into a saucer-like contour — hence the common name. Saucer magnolias are hardy at U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. The plants typically blossom early, and respond best to mid …
Known for its large, showy summer flowers, rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) grows as either a shrub or small tree in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. It extends to the mallow family (Malvaceae), which includes flowers that have a column of fused stamens surrounding the pistil and ovary. Other plants …
Tomatoes are one of the very few food-producing plants which will be quite large and still transplant without severe consequences. As long as the plant is in good condition, the roots aren’t damaged during transplanting, and it is set in a hole adequately large, even fruit-bearing tomatoes can be transplanted. Ideal Transplant Size In a …