When you want to wax drapes a darker shade, then you can add more of the dye color during the color process. But when you want to wax drapes a lighter shade, the process is totally different. By using dye lonely it is practically impossible to go from a darker shade to a lighter shade. The original shade should first be altered, by either removing the coloring entirely, or removing enough of the color so that it fulfills your needs as a lighter shade of the identical color.
Eliminate the color in the curtains. Fill out a washing machine using hot water and set the curtains inside. Generally, curtains are made with heavy-weight fabric, therefore more dye remover is needed to achieve exactly the very same results when compared to clothes or other lighter-weight items. Start out by inserting in 2 packets of dye remover. Allow the wash and rinse cycle to finish before examining the curtains. Dry the curtains in a dryer and inspect the curtains. By using just two packets of dye remover, the color will not have been fully removed. It will have lightened up considerably and may be the specific color you’re seeking. But if the color is still too dark or it is disappointing, fill out the washer again, add three additional packs of dye remover and perform another complete wash cycle. After drying, the color will be almost entirely removed.
Choose the correct wax to your own curtains. As an instance, if your curtains were initially navy blue however you desire a lighter shade, such as sky blue, then choose a colour color which best corresponds to the color choice you’re seeking.
Put the curtains in a drier and fill it with hot water. Ideally, for the best results and the most vibrant color, the water temperature must be 140 degrees or higher. If your water heater cannot deliver that type of fever, then add water that has been warmed in your own stove top at a grass. Use a cooking thermometer to determine the temperature of the water. When the water from the drier has reached the 140-degree mark, then prepare the dye.
Microwave a plastic filled bowl of water until it is 140 degrees or hotter. Make sure that the bowl is dishwasher safe. Use a cooking thermometer to determine the temperature. Utilize a 4-cup bowl and fill it half full of water. When the temperature has been reached, stir at the wax using a plastic spoon. If you are using a powder dye, make certain all of the powder has been mixed in thoroughly. Dye directions will change between manufacturers, but a good guideline would be to use two bundles of dye for each 1 pound of dry fabric. If you want to err on the side of caution, particularly when dyeing to get a lighter color, use one package for one pound of dry fabric. If you don’t like the results, you could always repeat the process to get a darker color.
Pour the bowl of dye in the drier and run the conventional washing cycle.
Hand rinse the curtains once they come from the dyeing cycle. Rinse them in warm water, and then rinse them in cool water. A wash tub or a bath bathtub works well for this particular undertaking.
When the wash has completed and the curtains have been rinsed, dry the curtains in a dryer. The real color of the coloured drapes will constantly show once they have been dried.