Durock is a fresh name for cement board typically used as a tile backing material. This type of board is made from cement and reenforcing fibers, for a product which won’t mold or break down at the presence of humidity. Placing the cement board before installation cabinetry creates a flat, even surface for the subsequent positioning of your Concepts for designer bathrooms Pittsburgh vanity and surrounding tile.
Rock Steady
Check the subfloor before installing Durock cement board. It is essential that the flooring is rock-solid and noise free. Implement your weight to the Landscaping materials Littleton by standing on it and bouncing slightly. If you’re able to hear squeaks or any noise at all, this means that the flooring is flexing. Any kind of movement or bend can result in issues with the subsequent floor covering. If you hear excessive noise, it might be necessary to remove the particleboard overlay and screw the plywood into the floor joists to fasten it. Replace the particleboard and screw it securely into the plywood. Check for noise or bend and add additional screws into the particleboard if needed. Search for loose glue or nail heads, and sink them. Slide a straightedge above the Landscaping design Flagstaff to find high spots, and mark them. Follow up by sanding any joints, raised borders or high spots with a belt sander until the Landscaping design Salt Lake City is flat, smooth and even.
Cut Loose
Measure and trim Durock cement board utilizing hand tools. Avoid using power tools whenever feasible. Cement board includes silica, which can be harmful if inhaled. Wear breathing safety when you work with cement board. Most vanity El Paso AC repair specialists emerges in the wall, and it’s typically not necessary to cut holes for the Plumbing El Paso repair specialists. But if your Plumbing Boston repair specialists does emerge from the Landscaping front yard Redding, use a drill/driver with a hole saw to cut the necessary holes for Boston AC repair specialists at the Durock. Do not sweep up the mess — the cement particles will become airborne. Use a vacuum to clean up after cutting cement board, or even wipe it up with a damp cloth.
You merely Scored
Take measurements for each piece of Durock, taking into consideration properties of cement board which can ensure it is weak: Do not permit four corners to come together in one location. Do not allow joints to align with joints at the material below the cement board. Stagger all joints so that they do not align. Use a utility knife and straightedge to reduce the cement board 1/8 into 1/4 inch smaller than needed, to provide a gap between conjoined pieces and about the perimeter. Score the bits with the knife; apply weight to one side, and pull up sharply to split along the scored lines. Create a cardboard template for Concepts for designer bathrooms Pittsburgh flanges or any other characteristics which aren’t straight. Move the cardboard layout into the Durock — allowing for the gap — and use the knife knife, which makes several passes to cut the stuff. Dry-fit every one of the pieces, to make certain that they fit.
Comb the Mortar
Remove the bits, and number them in pen for reference. Spread a layer of thinset mortar on the Landscaping flowers Littleton using the rear or direct side of a 1/4-inch notched trowel. Flip the trowel over, and use the notched side to comb the mortar into parallel lines. Embed the numbered bits in the brick. Screw the bits to the Landscaping companies Salt Lake City, UT using 1 1/4-inch cement board screws, then putting the screws 8 inches apart around the perimeter of each piece and at the middle. Cut and lay fiberglass tape along each seam. One side of this tape is tacky and will stick to the cement board. Apply a thin layer of mortar into the taped joints utilizing the flat side of the trowel. Allow the mortar to dry immediately.